NightStar Flashlight Physics Guide, Newtonian Relativity, Faraday’s Law, Snell’s Law
NightStar Flashlight Physics Guide. Download for FREE. Written for students, grade 9 and above, who participate in STEM education with interest in renewable energy technology. The publication presents how the Laws of magnetism, energy storage, and light refraction and reflection merge to create a shake flashlight. Individual lessons demonstrate the Principles of Newtonian Relativity, Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Snell’s Law of Refraction and Fermat’s Principle of Least Time.
Educators teaching Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs frequently purchase Shake Light 40-B LED Flashlight to demonstrate renewable power generation principles presented in the publication.
The Physics Behind the NightStar Shake Flashlight
NightStar Flashlight Physics Guide highlights calculations and diagrams detailing engineering elements integrated into a NightStar flashlight. The guide shows how magnetism, electrodynamics, energy, light, and optics come together to construct a rechargeable flashlight that operates for years.
NightStar Flashlight Physics Guide – Publication Snippet
Many of the components and mechanisms of shake flashlights aptly demonstrate the importance of physics principles. The repulsion of the mobile magnet, installed in the NightStar Shake flashlight, by the two fixed end magnets illustrates ferromagnetism. The generation of alternating electric current in the coil by the charging magnet demonstrates magnetomotive induction. The alternating electric current converted to direct or unidirectional current shows diode rectification. Energy conveniently saved for later use demonstrates capacitive energy storage. This energy carried in an electric current convert to blue light demonstrating radiative recombination in a light-emitting diode. Phosphor conversion of blue light into other colors illustrates fluorescence. Finally, the white light streaming in all directions is collected and projected forward into a useful beam by the reflector and lens demonstrates reflection and refraction, respectively.
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