Smart Building Technologies project; electrical grid communication using smart controls, sensors, and analytics.

Advancing smart building technologies, the Department of Energy (DOE) is funding ten pilot projects which support the creation and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies bolstering energy efficient conversion of homes and buildings. The goal is creating power grid connected communities that optimize energy efficiency and significantly decrease carbon emissions. The 61-million-dollar program props up the Biden Administration goal of reaching a net-zero carbon economy.

According to Jennifer Granhold, U.S. Secretary of Energy, the programs will lead to climate change technologies that by 2050 will reduce “energy bills, maximizing convenience, and propelling our efforts to reach a carbon-neutral, clean energy economy” of America’s 130-million-buildings.

What is an Interactive Grid?

“Connected communities of grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) use smart controls, sensors, and analytics to communicate with the electrical grid, reducing the amount of energy they require during periods of peak demand. This capability is used to optimize buildings and distributed energy resources to maintain the comfort of the building occupants, lowers utility bills, and reduces grid system costs.”

By 2030, the projected annual benefits of smart building technologies are an $18-billion savings in power system cost and cutting 80 million tons of carbon emissions. Early returns for two connected communities in Alabama and Georgia have shown a 42-44% energy reduction relative to the average all-electric home.

DOE Departments Supports Interactive Grid Development

The Connected Communities project is a combined DOE department initiative. Leading the program is the Buildings Technologies Office. Collaborating departments include Solar Energy Technologies Office, Vehicles Technologies Office, Office of Electricity and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Non-selected applicants can apply for financial support from DOE’s Loan Program Office.

Supporting Smart Building Technologies with LED Lighting

EcoCentricNow LLC supports energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction by distributing an assortment of interior and exterior LED lighting. Learn more at and

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